Friday, December 2, 2011

What Do You Do When Your Hair Style Fails You?

After a 2 hour stint with a big basket of magnetic hair rollers, some Shea Moisture Style Milk, and my beloved Jane Carter Nourish & Shine, I was left with this question: "Do I know what to do with all of these products I have in my closet"? I've got it name it, I've got it. I decided not to buy any styling products until I use up most of what I have. The stash is not looking any smaller after repeated use. 

To be honest, I really only use my Aloe Vera Gel & Castor oil mixture for most of my styling. It gives me shine and define and softness too. But before I found out that my life could be that simple (and I could have more closet space), I had to spend some money. I'm done with all of that now.

So about this roller set.... it came out cute:

I mean, it started to revert before I even got to my destination. I didn't even know there was humidity levels like this in the Fall Season. Oh well, gotta revamp, because this style was supposed to last me for a few days! It was definitely going to be my hairstyle for a night out with my friend. Look what happened later that night....

Okay, this was after I went running in the park, but I didn't even sweat!!! It was like 60 something degrees out, and I thought I would be fine! Boy was I wrong. So later that night, I spent 40 minutes putting my hair in two strand twists that I would wear the next day....
Two Strand Twists Put into Up do Secured with Banana Clip
So now I've got my protective styling for the day. It looks like it will keep moisture and secure my ends. Then later that evening, I will pull it down for a twist out. This is my special plan to overcome the fact that my roller set bailed out on me. 

I think I went wrong when I didn't put a setting lotion of some sort on. I don't have one in my stash (can you believe that)??

I have 3 products on my twists now. I have the aloe Vera gel and Castor oil mix as well as the Nourish & Shine and the Shea moisture style milk.

Well, I will update in a new post once I pull down my failed roller set (2 strand twists to the rescue) tonight.

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